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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Whale Watching

Back in September, my sister took me on a Whale Watching excursion for my birthday! The irony is that we didn't see a single whale, but we saw a plethora of dolphins, seal, and Southern California smog (which we like to call "the marine layer"). It was so relaxing to be out on the boat just soaking up the beauty of the ocean. It's amazing how beautifully clear and blue the water is once you get a few miles away from shore! Here are some of my favorite shots...I took 614 so don't think this process was easy!

About Me

Photography by {michelle|kay}
I'm new to photography and Photoshop, but I'm totally in love. Yeah, yeah, I love my husband and all, but my Canon and CS4--wow! Who knew that shooting photos could be so exciting. I love finding that perfect shot and find myself framing things in my mind wherever I go. My inspiration: Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
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Prices and Packages

Packages and Prices:

ONE | $50 per hour, unlimited
TWO | $150, 4 hours
THREE | $350, 8 hours
FOUR | $500, 12 hours

Please call 909-964-9088 (leave message) or email me at
